Cars Tokyo Motor Show November 2, 2019 / 1 Comment I got to go to the Tokyo Motor Show on company time. I was there to do a report on a few specific cars. So I hurried up and checked out those cars. Then fanboy Justin went loose and checked out the whole show for 8 hours. Awesome opportunity! P1020543P1020685P1020627P1020625P1020815P1020670P1020618P1020679P1020801P1020791P1020779P1020772P1020897P1020863P1020901P1020768P1020860P1020859P1020896P1020857P1020889P1020850P1020858P1020851P1020883P1020871P1020906IMG_4908P1020636P1020639IMG_4898IMG_4884IMG_4888IMG_4892IMG_4890
tvohsing5989 November 2, 2019 at 9:35 am Log in to Reply That Toyota E-Racer looks like one of those made up hot wheels cars
One Comment
That Toyota E-Racer looks like one of those made up hot wheels cars