Winter School Play
Today was the winter performance at the kindergarten. They had to divide each performance up and only 2 visitors were allowed per kid. So Nathan’s was at 9am and Caroline’s was at 3pm. Heather and I both wanted to see both kids’ play so we needed to get a babysitter to watch Caroline while we went to Nathan’s and then to babysit Nathan while we went to Caroline’s. All because of Corona. But it was still better than 3 months ago where only one parent was able to watch the sports day. So at least we both were able to go this time.
Nathan’s play was called The Bento Bus. Bento is like a lunch. So all the kids were pieces of food and they did various dances before they boarded the bus. It was cute. Nathan was the orange. He chose that himself. I think he chose it because he likes the other two girls that are oranges. They are twins and he always says “bye” to them after school.
Then at the end, they changed into their nice clothes and did a class song. Nathan doesn’t know the words, but we are proud of him for paying attention and learning the dance moves. We thought he did awesome.

Caroline’s play was Disney’s Rapunzel. And Caroline got to be Rapunzel! Actually there were 6 Rapunzels. But she was one of them! She really gets into the performing thing and I think her teacher recognized it. So even though her Japanese isn’t great, she still does great with the dancing and she can say some simple lines. She did great!
Her favorite part was that she got to hit Flynn Rider over the head with a frying pan.
After the Rapunzel play, they changed into nice clothes and did a pianika song. Country Road by John Denver, but the Japanese people don’t know that. I think that song is popular in Japan for some reason.

Caroline has worked really hard on her pianika playing. She took a really strong interest in it from the beginning and just practices for hours. She played flawlessly.
Both kids did great and we are constantly proud of them for thriving in an environment that is not English based.
Bonus videos at the bottom.

They were awesome! It looks like they both enjoyed it. I know we did 💕💕💕
Love this post! Those videos are instant family classics!